Human problem
Becoming a software designer of analytic applications requires a fairly big learning curve. Our Design team wanted to help our designers and others throughout the company improve their data storytelling skills.
Business problem
Multiplying this skill was a way for designers to add business value, far beyond creating some pretty data visualizations on a page. My design director and I had a vision to turn designers into data translators.
Design approach
We wanted designers to consider data and analytics sooner, at the requirements phase, namely during Design Thinking workshops with product managers, engineers, business analysts, and data scientists. With two data scientists, my director and I patented a new workshop and technical approach, but that's another story.
We envisioned a having pattern library web site that mapped from a user's business or clinical question to a chart pattern. We'd already accelerated previous projects through use of these patterns, but they lacked a home for easy retrieval.
Top level site organization
Secondary navigation examples
To keep the top level choices manageable and ensure the pattern library sections were quick and easy to access, I packed many topics under Thought and tools, with secondary navigation within the pages under Thought and tools. This section really captures how broad and comprehensive the data storytelling concerns of designer should be. As with any design discipline, there's more than many people realize, beyond picking the right chart for the data and executing a high quality visual design.
Data visualization pattern library
When the site was fully populated, it would have contained 75+ patterns from mining 344 examples from 8 projects, across 3 segments of Watson Health. Here's an example of one pattern, "How are costs changing?," and the lookup tables to help a designer find this pattern.
Perspective. The user persona was a designer, and I'm a designer, but the typical audience wasn't me. I took care to validate the information architecture and terminology with teammates of varying experience levels and backgrounds. For example, a design colleague seasoned in health informatics was unfamiliar with the term "data storytelling," so I included a definition on the home page. You never can assume what your users will know or not know.
Spare time. Drafting and populating the site has been a labor of love. Although improving data storytelling skills was important to our Design team from a business perspective, we'd have to sell the concept to our larger organization in order to carve out any time from our official project work. Making the case to spend time working on the site would, to some extent, require drafting the site, piloting its use, and then generating metrics (such as visitor counts) and demonstrable business outcomes from its use.
Human outcome
For lack of time, the site has been shared and used informally with a handful of projects, but was not finished and debuted for wider use.