Industry – Transportation
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Helping operators to manage traffic safety
As a Designer at IBM Industry Solutions (2012 - 2014)


The New Jersey Turnpike Authority sought to integrate and modernize its various technologies to better support its workflows. IBM Research had an asset we could harden into a scalable industry solution for Transportation.

My role

I spent more than 500 hours conducting on-site ethnographic research, workshops, and design playbacks, leading to a fulfilling client relationship. Because I understood the differences between the buyer versus user perspective and what trainees needed, in contrast to seasoned Roadway Operators, I knew where to innovate and where to be conservative with change.

One of the key challenges was designing for dense data (hundreds of dynamic signs and other equipment), which I solved with a roadway matrix view. Life-size paper prototyping helped Roadway Operators to envision how much content could be displayed on the command center's wall monitors.


This project outcome satisfied a range of stakeholders, leading to a client reference and IBM case study. The CTO said, "Tricia's leadership, caring, and communication skills were instrumental in helping us to achieve both a technical and cultural transformation."